Educational graph visualiser & generator
Developed in C# using WinForms.
Features a force-directed graph drawing algorithm.
Capable of generating graphs following the Erdős-Rényi, Barabási-Albert, Watts-Strogatz and Bianconi-Barabási models.
Visualises the properties of the graph with three charts and a graph view.
Calculates the average degree distribution, supported by sample generation.
Release date (v0.1.0): 2024.03.29
Start of development: 2022
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Generate a random graph using one of four available random graph-generation models.
Editable generator parameters.
See the node degree distribution and other details on three charts.

Using a force-directed graph drawing algorithm, minimise the number of edge crossings.
Watch the algorithm in action, as the arrangement is animated.
Visualise graph data using three charts.
Can be stretched vertically to see more detail.
Visible maximum y value and steps on the x axis.

Degree of each node

Current degree distribution